CEOC's 2023-2024 Public Policy Priorities
CEOC's mission is to empower people and mobilize resources to fight poverty’s causes and impacts through education and organizing. We envision an inclusive and diverse Cambridge without poverty where everyone has affordable housing, quality health care and education, food security and economic stability. In addition to providing direct services to achieve these goals, we have set out the following public policy agenda to target structural change that prevents poverty and promotes economic stability.
Level 0
We cannot support this legislation and may even oppose it
Level 1
We support this legislation. We sign on to letters of support as CEOC. We include it in our list of advocacy efforts. We attend coalition meetings when available but they are able to use our logo and signature to endorse this bill.
Level 2
Includes Level 1 activities+ We actively use social media to endorse this bill. We write to legislators to ask them to advance this bill. We attend coalition meetings.
Level 3
Includes Level 2 activities+ We are a leader in the coalition efforts. We meet with legislators to expand our efforts. We organize around the issue (e.g. rallies, canvassing, phone banking). We provide written and verbal testimony for the bill.
Tiers of Involvement
Public Policy Agenda
Eliminating Food Insecurity
An Act relative to an agricultural healthy incentives program
An Act relative to universal school meals
Promoting Affordable Housing
An Act promoting housing opportunity and mobility through eviction sealing (HOMES Act)
An Act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts
Lifting Individuals and Families Out of Deep Poverty
An Act providing affordable and accessible high-quality early education and care to promote child development and well-being and support the economy in the Commonwealth (Common Start)
An Act to ensure equitable health coverage for children (Cover All Kids)
An Act to reduce poverty by expanding the EITC and the child and family tax credit
An Act to increase family stabilization through the earned income tax credit
An Act establishing a child and family tax credit
An Act to lift kids out of deep poverty (Lift Our Kids)
Eliminating Wage Disparities
An Act prohibiting body size discrimination
An Act to ensure gender parity and racial and ethnic diversity on public boards and commissions (Parity on Boards)
An Act relative to non-fault unemployment insurance overpayments
An Act to prevent wage theft, promote employer accountability, and enhance public enforcement
An Act addressing the racial wealth gap (Baby Bonds)
Promoting the Wellbeing of Immigrants and Refugees
An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents (Safe Communities Act)
An Act establishing basic needs assistance for Massachusetts immigrant residents
An Act relative to language access and inclusion