We were pleased to celebrate our Executive Director, Tina Alu, at the De Novo’s 2023 Volunteer Appreciation event on October 11, 2023 as she received the Dr. Joseph H. Brenner Award. This award is named after De Novo’s founder, Dr. Joseph H. Brenner, who was a psychiatrist and social justice advocate. The award “recognizes and celebrates community leaders and professionals who embody his spirit of volunteerism and who, by example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service.” We could not think of a more fitting person to have received this award – congratulations, Tina!
This event featured moving speakers, including De Novo leadership, volunteers, and clients. Andrew Cornell, a De Novo volunteer, was honored with the Inaugural Herbert Epstein Volunteer Excellence Award. We congratulate and commend Andrew as well!

Tina (left) receiving award from De Novo's Deputy Director John Froio, with De Novo's Executive Director Mojdeh Rohani (right)